Thursday, April 18, 2013

Caramelized Onion Tart

There are few things I love more than caramelized onions. They take awhile. They are a little bit fussy and they can go all wrong in one moment. But, they are 100% worth it.

This is what 12 pounds of onions look like, and I cut them all with only shedding one tear. I have no idea how that happened. I wasn't even wearing our onion goggles! They took so long to chop. But I chopped along while listening to my half-sisters radio show. I love that I can hear her show even though she is all the way in Pennsylvania. Yay for live streaming!

Again, the joys of cooking for 64 means caramelizing twelve pounds of onions in three pans.

About to go in the oven

Our yeast rose!!!!! I did a little dance when this happened. Our yeast has been so finnicky this semester, but this week it decided to succeed, and it rose into a beautiful fluffy dough. I'm not sure how much I liked this dough, honestly, I would rather have a gallette crust full of butter any day of the week.

This tart has a super special secret (I have a thing for alliterations, its not really all that super special). The secret? A base layer of dijon mustard. Mmm yum. I've been so into mustard lately. Especially the dijon mustard we get in our house. Its tangy and sweet and absolutely perfect. It paired so well with the caramelized onions. Definitely added to the flavor profile. Also, fennel seeds were cooked along with the onion for the entire duration of caramelization. I'm not the biggest fan of fennel, but it was cooked long enough to tone its flavor down and leave just a hint of something you couldn't quite place but really enjoyed.

The finished project was muy delicioso (we are learning how to talk about preparing, ordering and eating food in spanish right now, aka my favorite chapter so far). I don't know if I would call this a tart though. It was very reminiscent of pizza dough. So it was kind of like caramelized onion pizza. But hey, who is complaining about that? Not me. 

RecipeOnion Tart 

Next time I would like to try this tart. This is more of what comes to mind when I think of a tart. Nomm

1 comment:

  1. I have never been successful at caramelizing onions unless with the help of an expert caramelizer. These look so good.
