I was living in Meadow Valley for the summer, which is right next to Quincy. Quincy was voted "The Coolest Small Town in the West, 2013" so you know its a cool place. In Quincy, there was a food co-op called Quincy Natural Foods. Loved that place. It had such good food. One of the best things they sold was Coconut Curry Hummus by Hopes Hummus. Such an interesting combo of flavors. My shanty-mate Allison and I loved it. I've been missing it a lot and knew it was one of the first things I wanted to try and recreate once I got home and back to a food processor. So last night thats just what I did.
I didn't use a recipe, just used my taste buds and knowledge of what makes hummus hummus. So the recipe at the bottom is going to be a very rough estimate of what I did. However, that is one of the great things about hummus. You have the main ingredients and then you add them little by little until it tastes the way you want it to and it is the desired consistency. It's not an exact recipe, it depends on a lot of different aspects, and you learn what to look for and what needs to be added when you make it more often. The coconut milk in this really helped with the consistency. It made it really smooth and tastes better than oil (at least I think so). Also, I went to Trader Joe's yesterday and was looking for tahini, but all they had was a tahini sauce that was premixed with garlic and lemon. But, those are ingredients I was going to add anyway, so I decided to go with it. It worked really well, and added a good flavor kick, however I think I'm more fond of the straight tahini.
If you are a fan of hummus, I definitely suggest you try this flavor combo!
Rough Estimate of the Recipe
(there are many versions online that you can try as well!)
2 cups of garbanzo beans
(canned or dried after being soaked and cooked)
1/2 cup of coconut milk
(add more later if you would like the hummus to be smoother and thinner)
3 tbsp Olive Oil
1/4 cup Tahini sauce
(add little by little, also can use plain old Tahini)
2 tbsp Curry Powder
(also add slowly until reach desired flavor)
1 tbsp Cumin
(same note as curry powder)
1 tsp salt
Mix it all together in a food processor until smooth and ready to go. Then voila! You have a perfect snack dip.